Leading up to New Years, local law enforcement agencies begin to increase DUI patrols


SPOKANE, Wash. – Around this time each year law enforcement all over the United States see an increased rate of impaired drivers during New Years celebrations. That’s why local law enforcement agencies are scheduling extra DUI patrols all week long.

“There is nothing that the criminal justice system can do that can compare to some of the negative consequences that can come with drinking and driving,” said Corporal Nick Briggs with the Spokane Police Department (SPD).

Not only could you be charged criminally, you could also kill somebody by driving under the influence.

According to the Washington Department of Transportation, last year 740 people died on Washington roads, with half of those involving alcohol or drug impaired driving.

Briggs says this is one of the easiest crimes to avoid, but people keep making the same mistakes each year. He mentions that lots of people go out in groups this time of year, and it’s important to have a plan before you have a drink.

Rideshares, designated drivers, taxis and public transportation are all great options to keep intoxicated people from getting behind the wheel.

But these options are always available, so it is up to you to help make sure the people you know don’t get behind the wheel is they have been out drinking.

Here’s some advice from the Washington Department of Transportation for holiday revelers before they get behind the wheel:Designate a sober driver before drinking,Pre-plan the trip home by scheduling a rideshare or cab pick-up,Arrange for family or friends to stay the night after holiday festivities,Use public transportationor call 911 if you see or suspect someone is driving impaired


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