Watch your speed as you’re driving through school zones in Spokane!


SPOKANE, Wash. — As most students are heading back to school, the Spokane Police Department is urging drivers to use extra caution as they are driving near schools.

When you are approaching a school zone, make sure to check the marked speed signs. They will indicate that you are in a 20 mph zone and need to yield to people crossing the street.

Most vehicle-pedestrian collisions happen in crosswalks, all intersections are considered legal crosswalks when they are marked or even unmarked.

As children are going to school, officers will be watching for drivers who are not following the rules. You can get a ticket for $145 if you fail to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk.

Additionally, school zone photo-speed cameras will be in operation beginning Tuesday morning. Eight cameras are located at six elementary schools and one high school in Spokane.

In 2022, there were more than 20,000 speeding tickets issued that were caught by cameras at the schools.

If you speed through a school zone, you could get a ticket that will cost you $450.

One principal is thankful for the three new cameras placed around South Hill schools, especially after one of her students was hit while crossing the 37th and Regal intersection outside her school.

As drivers need to be aware of their surroundings, so do pedestrians.

They can do their part by crossing the street on a “Walk” signal. If there isn’t a signal – look before crossing at marked crosswalks or intersections.

A pedestrian could get a ticket for $68 for not crossing the street at a crosswalk.

Speed is one of the five fatal traffic violations, so please slow down around our schools to make sure every student makes it to their destination safely.


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