Washington State participates in new federal homelessness program


OLYMPIA, Wash.- Washington is one of eight states which will participate in a new federal program to combat homelessness.

The Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator coordinates resources between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Housing (DOH).

The program aims to streamline access to housing and healthcare resources for populations that are either currently unhoused or are vulnerable to homelessness.

Office of Apple Health and Homes Managing Director Melodie Pazolt illustrated the link between health care and housing by citing a 2023 National Bureau of Economic Research study.

“Non-elderly people who have experienced homelessness face 3.5 times the mortality risk of people who are housed,” Pazolt said.

Washington Department of Commerce Director Mike Fong hailed the program as a win for all residents of the Evergreen State.

“Having the national technical assistance, peer-to-peer opportunities with other states and federal policy guidance will ensure our success as Commerce works with other state agencies to create more housing and support everyone living in Washington,” Fong said.

The program was initially announced in Nov. 2023, and will work with the eight selected states over the next year to implement housing services with a focus on individuals who qualify for Medicaid and have serious medical needs.


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