US congressional candidate Dr. Bernadine Bank visits Ukraine


SPOKANE, Wash. – Dr. Bernadine Bank, an OB/GYN and candidate for Washington’s 5th US Congressional district, visited Ukraine to learn more about the nation’s resistance to Russian aggression.

Dr. Bank highlighted Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea and argued that the US’s failure to come to Crimea’s aid opened the door to further Russian violations of national sovereignty.

“We did not come through with our promise to protect them and that emboldened Putin,” Bank said.

She expressed her support for increased US federal aid to Ukraine and argued that protecting Democracy across the globe requires American support.

“We still haven’t really done what we should be doing to be helping Ukraine. They are the shield for Democracy and freedom for the whole rest of the world and particularly for Europe,” Bank said.

Bank visited medical facilities during her visit to the nation-under-siege, including OB/GYN facilities. She said the visit illustrated the full extent of the nation’s challenges to her, and the critical nature of supplying more aid to maintain Ukraine’s borders.

Bank’s campaign created a video detailing her visit which can be found below.


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