Spokane County commissioners support Measure 1 with 3-2 during town hall meeting


SPOKANE, Wash. — Spokane County commissioners held a town hall meeting last night, affirming their support for measure one to appear on November’s ballot.

This meeting was scheduled just 24 hours after Spokane City Council voted in opposition of the measure one and its jail-funding sales tax.

During the meeting, commissioners heard from both sides of the ballot measure. One proposed a sales tax that would give county and the city funds to put towards criminal justice, public safety and behavioral health purposes.

The council passed a resolution saying that they don’t support the measure and that it did not go into enough detail on where exactly the money will go.

After the Tuesday night meeting, the resolution vote approving measure one was passed by a 3 – 2 margin with commissioner Josh Kerns saying opposition concerns were unfounded.

The passing of measure one will come down to Nov. 7.


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