Runners prepare for rainy 48th Bloomsday race


SPOKANE, Wash. — Runners collected their bibs and finalized their registration at the Spokane Convention Center one day before a potentially cold and rainy Bloomsday race.

Chris Schroll grew up in Washington and is used to running in the rain, but he admits that it has drawbacks.

“The worst part about it for me is I have really bad circulation, so my fingers and toes get really cold really fast. It’s essential I gotta keep gloves on just to keep that warm,” Schroll said.

He did offer some optimism for runners, saying that there are some benefits to running in the rain, such as not worrying about overheating.

“Honestly you can run really fast in the rain and in these cooler temperatures, so I wouldn’t be worried about it if I’m out on the start line,” Schroll said.

People weren’t afraid of the gloomy forecast, with more than 35,000 people signed up to run, according to Rand Palmer, a Bloomsday volunteer who runs the late registration. Thousands signed up in just the past few days, excited to take on the course, Palmer said. He also said he rarely has seen rain on this day in his more than 40 years of experience.

“To worry about rain for the second or third time in about 48 years is just a miracle,” Palmer said.

Don Colenso plans to race as a 30-plus-year Bloomsday veteran, even registering this year after a knee replacement.

“After all the wear and tear I got a new knee, so that took me from running to power walking, so now I got a chance to see the course, instead of focusing on finishing in under an hour, now I can see the course, and appreciate the bands and have a good time,” Colenso said.

Registration is closed, but bibs can still be collected Sunday morning from 7:30 to 9:30 am downstairs in the Convention Center.


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