Local nonprofit, Breast Intentions, promotes dignity and confidence among underserved women


SPOKANE, Wash. — A local nonprofit, Breast Intentions, has been donating bras and fitting underserved women in Spokane. Many people may not understand the significance and dignity that a bra can bring to these women.

Founder of Breast Intentions, Christine Weaver, strives to help these woman find bras that fit the shape of their body correctly. When creating this organization, Weaver found that this was a need that was underserved in the community.

On Nov. 8 at Sisters Haven and Mother Theresa Haven, many woman of all ages came to get fitted for a new bra. There was a bra for each and every one of them, no matter what shape or size.

Fitters, volunteers of Breast Intentions, walked each woman through the process. They discussed what style they would like, fit them to the correct size and let them have their space to try on options. After they found the style for them, they walked away with two bras.

Weaver said, “it’s a very intimate setting and we’re very cognizant of the fact that they come in with some hurt in them. There’s always a lot of hugs, a lot of understanding.”

Many women and girls that come in may need a safe space to talk. Fitters will accommodate to the needs of each woman. Some may not want to be touched when getting fitted, and that is okay. “It’s their time, their place and it’s all about dignity and confidence because if you don’t have a fitting undergarment on top, you’re not going feel good about yourself,” Weaver says.

Breast Intentions has over 3,000 bras and the tools it takes to get this organization out there, but they need volunteers. They won’t be able to run their events if they are understaffed with fitters.

They are already booked throughout 2024, with events throughout Spokane County, western Washington and even areas in San Diego. To make these events happen, Weaver is asking for volunteers to help rack bras, meet these women, help them with fittings and help the overall process!

If you are interested in helping, visit the Breast Intentions website or email christine@breastintentions.org. If you aren’t able to help out at events, they are always accepting bra donations!

For more information about Breast Intentions’ mission, events and more; head over to their website, Facebook or Instagram.


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