Kaiser Permanente Washington workers approve contact to increase wages


SEATLE, Wash. — Kaiser Permanente Washington healthcare workers have approved a new contract to increase wages for 3,000 workers and make changes needed to improve quality patient care.

Five days before KPWA workers planned to begin a statewide strike, a tentative agreement was reached. Then, two weeks after the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions, a new contract for Kaiser workers was released nationally.

Workers have been fighting for strong contract protections for both workers and patients.

“This new contract with Kaiser Washington is a win for both healthcare workers and patients,” said Jane Hopkins, registered nurse and president of SEIU Healthcare 1199NW. “Our strength and solidarity as a union of healthcare workers, as well as overwhelming support from the community – our patients – moved Kaiser Permanente management toward doing the right thing. We’re confident these historic wins will improve access to quality care for patients, and allow Kaiser to begin addressing the staff recruitment and retention crisis.”

With this new wage increase, Washington Kaiser workers will see a 17% – 25% wage increase in the next 12 months and between a 27% – 35% wage increase by the end of the contact.

“Frontline healthcare workers told Kaiser executives that competitive wages that keep up with other Washington healthcare providers were key to addressing the staffing shortage at Kaiser facilities,” said Alanna Martin, a clinical social worker in Seattle and a member leader on the bargaining team. “These wage increases are significant, and they were necessary for Kaiser to catch up with the market and keep up with staff recruitment and retention.”

Specific wage increases include:

27% raise for ARNP’s30% raise for RN’s, LPN’s and most techs35% increase for environment service workers

“A lot of hard work went into these historic agreements, but I am confident this deal will help retain and recruit the best staff from across our state,” said Marie Neumayer, a medical assistant in Spokane, member leader on the local and national bargaining teams, and rank-and-file vice president of SEIU Healthcare 1199NW. “We couldn’t have achieved them without the power of both union solidarity and solidarity and support from patients across Washington.”


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