Local nonprofit aims to make Expo ’74 50th celebration a ‘low-waste event’


SPOKANE, Wash. – Today marks one month until Expo ’74 50th celebration, and because Spokane was the first city to host an environmentally themed world’s fair, one local nonprofit is looking to disrupt the system for outdoor events that generate excessive waste.

That nonprofit is Spokane Zero Waste (SZW). They are encouraging all vendors at Expo events this summer to switch from single-use plastics to compostable products.

When they make the switch, SZW will provide their food truck with a sticker that reads “I’m a low-impact waste vendor”. It’s a sign that a food vendor is going the extra mile to support the local environment.

Elyse Hochstadt with SZW says that while it’s crucial for people to know the proper way to dispose of their trash, it’s equally important for vendors to transition to compostable food-ware products to facilitate easier disposal for the community.

There will be zero-waste ambassadors at the opening ceremony for Expo ’74 and at Bloomsday who will assist the public in determining the best way to dispose of their garbage.

“We are at a point now in time where nobody can deny that we need to make some changes in the way that we relate to our world,” said Hochstadt. “Here’s a great event to dig your heels in and make those changes and say I want my city to support it…”

Hochstadt also mentions that they are seeking about 30 more volunteers to act as zero waste ambassadors at Expo events.

Each ambassador will work in groups of 2-3 alongside a staffed information booth.

Ambassadors will receive training and assist vendors and celebrants in properly disposing of their waste throughout each event.

Shifts will range from 3-5 hours.

You can sign up here!


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