Clinics working hard to ensure COVID-19 vaccines aren't being wasted

Containing the Coronavirus

SPOKANE, Wash. – There are a few ways covid-19 vaccines can go to waste. Some vaccines are wasted as a result of human error, a dropped vial or syringe. But there is another reason vaccines end up in the garbage, and it’s as simple of people with vaccine appointments not showing up.

“We are at a point still where when there are appointments available they are being booked,” said Kayla Myers, the leader of the Spokane Regional Health District’s COVID-19 vaccinations task force.

While appointments are being booked, not all are being fulfilled. The no shows are creating a small window of opportunity for people who aren’t eligible to get a stick in the arm.

“The recommendations that we give out and that doh gives out is you always maintain a standby list,” Myers said.

Depending on the provider you talk to there may be a list you can get on in the event someone with an appointment doesn’t show up. But after calling a few providers it sounds hit or miss.

“We don’t know what every provider is doing in Spokane,” Myers said. “If nobody is available or you still have doses left over you should vaccinate someone rather than waste it.”

Take Walmart pharmacies for example, I called a few in the area that are all giving vaccines. One told me they did have a wait list, but the number of people on that list is well over 100. And with only one or two extra doses per week some of the people on the list could be waiting between six to 8 months.

Another Walmart pharmacy told me they don’t have a list, but people can call after 4 p.m. on Tuesdays to see if there were any no shows. But now, with these Walmart locations focusing on second doses for the next three weeks they say there won’t be any extra first doses for at least that long.

According to SRHD, providers across the board don’t have many vaccines going to waste anyway, and have been meeting Governor Inslee’s rule: use 95% of your doses within seven days of receiving them or lose future doses.


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