Cars shot at in Post Falls, Police investigating


POST FALLS, Idaho – Post Falls Police is now investigating at least two cars that were shot at over the weekend with what appears to be a BB or pellet gun.

One car window was shot out and another car received damage to the rear end, according to police.

A Post Falls resident, who only wanted to go by her first name, Lauren, says she was traveling westbound near the Poleline and Idaho roundabout.

“Thankfully it didn’t hit a window or something, and shatter on my baby or hit us in the head,” Lauren said.

Her car was reportedly struck Feb. 4 in the early morning hours around midnight.

“It was so loud that we didn’t know what it was,” Lauren said.

“One of the victims did report a group of three that were fleeing the area after the incident,” Capt. Mark Brantl with Post Falls Police, said.

Whether they’re the suspects or not, Captain Brantl says the truth typically comes out.

“Somebody knows who did it, or heard somebody talking about it, or somebody bragging about it. That is going to break this case open,” Capt. Brantl said.

The suspects who caused this damage could be looking at some serious charges. If damage runs under $1,000, the suspects could be charged with a misdemeanor. If it’s above $1,000, it would be a felony.

“When you have a series of these events, those do add up and so you could be looking at some serious charges,” Capt. Brantl said.

Serious charges because this could’ve seriously hurt someone.

“I mean it could’ve hit the window and shattered into my baby’s car seat. We could’ve swerved and crashed,” Lauren said.

If you know anything about this case, who may have been responsible or if your property was damaged, then you’re asked to contact the Post Falls Police Department at (208) 773-3517.


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