Bill expanding anti-recidivism program passes Washington State Senate


OLYMPIA, Wash.- A bill which would increase the number of people eligible to receive financial assistance after being released by the Department of Corrections (DOC) has passed the Washington State Senate.

SB 5893 would expand a 2023 policy which increased the amount of money that individuals being discharged by the DOC receive when they leave government custody.

Referred to as “gate money,” the 2023 state law required that individuals who leave correctional facilities are given at least $40 for food and some form of public transportation costing under $100.

The 2024 bill would extend these requirements to Washingtonians who are being transferred to community custody or are joining half-way programs like the Graduated Reentry Program.

The policy’s primary sponsor Senator Claire Wilson (D) celebrated its passage, arguing that it will reduce recidivism rates in the Evergreen State if passed.

“When someone’s released from custody, it’s not unusual for them to lack a decent pair of shoes or clothes to interview for a job. This modest, one-time assistance could mean the difference in someone’s re-entry as a successful, productive member of the community,” Wilson said.

The bill now awaits introduction in the House.


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