Arab-Israeli woman hopes to bridge gap with Spokane food truck


SPOKANE, Wash – For Madja Ritchie she says because she is an Arab Israeli this conflict is difficult to watch.

“Right now there’s a lot of tension, a lot of tension. I think it’s more of a sorrow, like it’s just more pain and people are just really sad and grieving. And they’re just in shock.”

Ritchie says she couldn’t just watch the war unfold she knew she wanted to do something, “Instead of just sitting down and just cry about what is happening to just open like a donation fundraising day and have our food truck available and serve food and give a percentage of our sales to the people who are affected by the war.”

A fundraiser will be held at Ritchie’s food truck, Jerusalem Eastern Cuisine on the 26th of October between 11am and 4pm.

Ritchie says she’s hoping her food will bridge gaps and thwart what she called misconceptions about he culture, “For me is like you can have whatever opinion you want about the Middle East, but when I want you when you try my food, to see the beauty of our food and just get to that beautiful culture out of it. So I guess that’s that’s, that’s what our food is.”


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