VAX FACTS: The delta variant could spread as easy as the chickenpox


VAX FACTS- As the delta variant cases surge across the county doctors are saying that it’s spread is even easier than initially thought.

New research shows it appears to cause more severe illness and spread as easily as chickenpox, according to an internal document from the CDC.

A document from the CDC outlines unpublished data that shows fully vaccinated people might spread the delta variant at the same rate as unvaccinated people.

The CDC says each infected person, on average could be infecting eight or nine others.

Essentially vaccinated people might be able to carry the virus without getting sick but could spread it to someone who is not vaccinated and they would not have the protection to fight against it.

A study from UC Davis shows 97% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 are unvaccinated, as of July 22.


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