Vax Facts: Spokane vaccine clinic open date pushed back


SPOKANE, Wash- The Spokane mass vaccine clinic open date has changed.

CHAS Health in Spokane is responsible for the clinic at the Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena.

Right now, they have pushed the opening date for the clinic from Monday to Wednesday.

Kelley Charvet, Chief Administrative Officer for CHAS Health said on the phone the reason for the delay is because of supplies.

Right now they is simply not enough vaccinations yet for them to open, but they’re working to acquire them.

Charvet went on to say that the number of vaccines administered will be based on the number of vaccines allocated by the state. As of right now, that number is not clear yet.

When the doors open at the arena there will be no walk-ins and there’s not a waitlist.

You’ve got to make an appointment. The website for the appointments goes live on Wednesday, in the morning.

Appointments are only for people who fall under 1A and 1B.

CHAS is expected to release more details Tuesday morning.

*We will update you when more information is available, for the fastest vaccine-related alerts, download the KHQ app and sign up for push notifications.


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