Spokane singer prepares to live his dream during Expo celebrations


SPOKANE, Wash. – A young man’s dreams are coming true. When one traveler first visited Spokane, he fell in love with how active Riverfront Park was on a sunny summer day. He dreamed of one day singing in front of a packed Pavilion crowd.

Well, now that dream is likely coming true. Allow me to introduce you to Helmer Noel.

About two weeks ago, he saw a poster promoting an Expo-themed talent show that the Spokane Civic Theatre was holding auditions for.

Noel has only been in town for about three years. He and his partner both work virtually, so when COVID shut everything down, they decided to skip cabin fever and travel.

They ended up in Spokane completely by accident, but as soon as they got here, they knew there was a good chance they’d stick around.

“As soon as we got to Spokane, the vibrancy, the natural beauty that it has, also the sense of community, the vendors, and all our friends out there on the market scene, it’s just amazing,” said Noel. “That immediately drew us and kept us here.”

Once they decided to stay, they got an apartment and started making music with a producer in town.

Noel had already planned to release his two-song EP when he heard about the talent show, but what he didn’t know was how well his new music would perfectly tie into Expo’s celebration.

The EP is called “Yesterday’s.” It harkens to the idea of reaching back to whatever times that you had that are now memories, reliving the joy that those moments created, and making new memories that you can relish in the future.

Expo’s celebration is all about just that, remembering Expo ’74 and using what we learned to keep growing.

That’s why Noel is debuting his new EP on the day of the performance, June 20th, inside the Pavilion in front of likely the largest crowd he has ever performed in front of.

You can find Helmer Noel on many platforms, including YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb6iyEsbOcgKQ3wYGDLsVLg


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