Seattle nonprofit, Treehouse, offers driver’s assistance for teens in the foster care system


SPOKANE, Wash. — If you know of a teen in the foster care system who is hoping to get behind the wheel, a local nonprofit has financial resources to help them achieve this goal.

Treehouse is a nonprofit founded in 1988 to support local children in the foster care system. Since 2017 they have been providing financial support for drivers ed, testing, licensing fees and liability car insurance.

Expanded legislation passed in 2023 has helped them also cover the cost of car tab renewals, gas cards, comprehensive auto insurance, car maintenance and more!

Treehouse wants to level the playing field for kids in the foster system and make sure they get access to resources they need.

January is teen driver awareness month and since the COVID-19 pandemic, Treehouse has seen a drop off in the number of teens using their resources.

They want to raise awareness for the resources available and hopefully see teens coming to them asking for support.

Since 2017 they have financially supported over 1,800 local teens in the foster care system to get them behind the wheel. They are hoping even more teens who have a goal to become independent behind the wheel reach out!

For more information about Treehouse or how to sign up for their resources, go to their website.


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