Pullman-Moscow Regional Airports new terminal now open and operating


PULLMAN, Wash. – A new terminal is now open and operating at the Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport after a nearly two-year long expansion project.

The project expanding the airport by around 49,000 feet costing them around $92 million dollars.

The project began back in August of 2022 with its first operational flight taking off on Wednesday May 22, 2024, for Seattle.

According to the airport, the terminal includes a new parking area which will be delineated with additional signage.

Those who park at the old terminal but board or arrive at the new terminal will be able to use a bus system to travel between the two.

Pullman Transit is also supporting the airport’s expansion with a pilot project bus line from downtown Pullman to the airport starting Wednesday.

Every daily departure and arrival will be accompanied by a bus stop departure time. Fares will cost $1.

The first trip from the new terminal will be a 5am trip to Seattle.


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