Look for red flags before filing your taxes this year


KENNEWICK, Wash. – With only five days left to file, it is important to know the “red flags” to look for while filing taxes.

According to the Better Business Bureau, there are several red flags to look out for when choosing a tax preparer.

Look for big promises. If a company is promising the largest and fastest tax return in town that is a red flag, as the IRS is the only entity with the power to decide the amount and speed of your tax return.

Next, ask about the preparer’s Preparer Tax Identification Number, or PTIN. Every preparer will have one and if they either do not have one or refuse to provide it, that is a red flag.

The PTIN should be public information. You can use the PTIN to verify the preparer’s credentials on the IRS website before filing.

You should also make sure the preparer signs any documents before you and adds their PTIN. If the preparer does not sign first, you could be the one liable for any filing mistakes the preparer made.

The deadline is April 15. If you cannot find a trustworthy preparer in time or want to file yourself, the BBB recommends using some of the free self-filing tools through the IRS.


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