Local school districts receive payout from settlement with vape manufacturer Juul


SPOKANE, Wash. — Spokane Public Schools and West Valley School District are receiving payouts related to a multidistrict lawsuit with vape manufacturer Juul Labs, Inc., who intentionally marketed their products to kids.

According to our partner, the Spokesman Review, the Spokane School Board voted unanimously for a resolution leading to a $320,000 settlement.

The suit alleged Juul used advertisements targeted towards kids by using bright colors, young models and cartoon characters to appeal to their younger audience. These tactics can make kids more likely to buy the addictive products.

According to the article, the suit claimed that the company also targeted cartridge flavors like mango and crème brulee to appeal to kids.

“After the amount of harm that’s been done, it felt appropriate to hold them accountable,” said Spokane School Board President Mike Wiser.

According to Wiser, Juul advertised to kids without acknowledging that what they were producing is addictive.

Wiser said the district plans to spend a portion of the settlement on vaping detectors, substance use counselors and other resources to raise awareness about vaping addiction.

West Valley Superintendent Kyle Rydell said his district has successfully reduced vape use in school bathrooms.

Schools can better assign educational lessons on addiction, mental health and how to recover from a vape addiction when the schools know which students are vaping.

“Once we knew who they were because they set the vape sensors off, we were able to provide intervention to those kids,” Rydell said.

According to the Spokesman Review, West Valley plans to use its award in middle schools where vape detectors will be installed, and curriculum will be added to aid intervention.

Rydell said prevention and intervention are priorities for their funding.

“I don’t want to see young kids get addicted to something they can’t kick,” Rydell said.


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