Kootenai County Sheriff seeks to secure a second term


COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho. — Robert “Bob” Norris has announced he will be running for re-election for the Sheriff of Kootenai County.

In his announcement letter he highlighted some of the things he accomplished in his first term. He said he’s now looking to the future and ready to make further improvements.

Norris said he hopes to build an “all-volunteer force of vetted citizens” to enhance public safety if he got another term.

“We are witnessing an era where our country, and our community, is rapidly changing,” Norris said. “Preparing our county for the national changing landscape, growth in our community, and the crime that comes with it, is critically important to maintain our high quality of life.”

Norris will host a public re-election kickoff party on Wednesday, Jan. 31 at the Best Western Hotel, 506 West Appleway Avenue Coeur d’Alene.


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