Environmentally focused Expo events for you and your family


SPOKANE, Wash. – Expo ‘74 was the first environmentally-focused world’s fair. To celebrate 50 years since Expo ‘74, here is a list of environmental Expo events that are coming up:

Expo Forest tree plantings: May 7-11Brush on the Bluff: May 18Hope for Creation Conference: May 29Campfire Stories, Tales From Our Public Lands: June 1Friends of Manito Plant Sale: June 1Environmental Day at Riverfront Vendor Village: June 1Spokane River Clean Up: June 8Tour de Farms: June 8Legislative Summit: June 21Sip for Sustainability: June 22

Environmental stewardship pillar chair Amanda Parrish says these events are a team effort that she wants everyone to get involved with.

“We need to come together as a community to become a community of better environmental stewards,” said Parrish. “And that’s what we are here to celebrate. It can be something that we can do that is fun together…”


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