DUI suspect arrested by Spokane police for car crash and assaulting nurses


SPOKANE, Wash. – The Spokane Police Department arrested a woman last night for a DUI car crash on Sprague Avenue and for assaulting hospital staff.

On March 9 around 10:15 p.m. a Spokane police officer observed a reckless car east on Sprague Avenue approaching Havana Street.

The car was traveling at a high rate of speed with no headlights on. Before the officer could respond to the vehicle, it crashed into another car that had stopped at the red light in Havana.

The victim driver had to be freed from the car and was later transported to the hospital with serious injuries. Although a child seat is visible in the back seat of the victim’s car, the child was fortunately not riding in the car at the time of the collision.

Cheyann L. Bailey, a 30-year-old woman was processed for driving under the influence, driving without an ignition interlock device when required, vehicular assault and an additional three counts of 3rd degree assault for assaulting nurses at the hospital.

Additional charges are pending, the investigation is ongoing.


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