Community leaders frustrated over racial officer appointment vetting process


SPOKANE, Wash – Kurtis Robinson, the President of the NAACP, Spokane, says he’s frustrated about commissioners’ lack of vetting when appointing Jennifer Morton.

“We’re the ones that are disproportionately impacted by those outcomes. We demand a meaningful voice and who are chosen to represent us,” said Robinson.

We asked Robinson if he thought Morton was unqualified, “that’s not for me to say because, at this point, this is the issue with the processes. We haven’t had a chance to authentically vet them.”

In Tuesday’s meeting, Commissioner Josh Kerns did address the letter posted Monday night on the NAACP Spokane’s Facebook page, calling it “unproductive.” But Robinson says that wasn’t their intent, “We’re offering up our voices and rejected time and time again. It gets to a point where we’re done, and the only thing that’s left for us to do or is happening right now is call you out on this nonsense.”

In the meeting, commissioners said Morton was being considered in part because she was putting her name forward for a position that’s been open for more than a year. But, Robinson says they’ve submitted multiple names, including his own, but all were turned down.

The statement posted by the NAACP stated the Commission has instituted a quote “systemic dialing back of meaningful community voice.”

They specifically named commissioners Al French, Josh Kerns, and Mary Kuney, the three commissioners who ended up voting in favor of Morton’s appointment.

“These commissioners have demonstrated their patterns over time and say that they don’t really want to hear it because then they would be doing something about it.”

Robinson and the others who collectively signed the statement say they feel as though commissioners are, quote, “trying to sneak in non-community connected individuals.” Robinson says the lack of communication is what was the most troubling

“Integrity seeks out transparency and invites accountability. It doesn’t dismiss it, it doesn’t shy away from it, it leans into it.


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