Clean up began at A Place of Truths Plaza on March 19, but residents’ safety concerns linger


SPOKANE, Wash. — The City of Spokane announced its plans to clean up A Place of Truths Plaza in downtown Spokane on March 19; however, one resident says it is not happening quickly enough.

A Place of Truths Plaza was built in 2019 as a site to honor the indigenous population of the region.

The City’s announcement of the clean up project came after many residents claimed it has become a hub for drug use, encampments, vandalism and graffiti.

In the press release sent on March 19, the City announced their plans to “temporarily close” A Place of Truths Plaza, citing that work was anticipated to last about two weeks.

The City’s Parks and Recreations department told NonStop Local that crews are deep cleaning, pressure washing and painting over the graffiti.

However, they claim the weather last week prevented them from continuing with the painting, but that it should resume this week.

Monday, there was still a lot of graffiti all around the plaza, trash and NonStop Local crews even saw one individual using illegal drugs out in the open.

The City did set up one gate in the area that has the majority of the graffiti and encampments. However, it was evident Monday that people have gotten behind that fence as bags, trash were still there.

The City reported they have removed nearly 50 bags of trash over the previous weekend with help from the Spokane Riverkeeper.

LizBeth Flett is a long-time Spokane resident with ties to the Spokane Tribe of Indians. Her ex-husband and children are indigenous and are part of the Tribe.

Flett spends part of her days documenting the state of the plaza. She has gone to City Council meetings and has sent numerous complaints to the City about the plaza.

She claims she has even seen videos of people urinating on some of the indigenous art work.

“If it was in front of the Spokane Club… No way! There’s no way they would let it go like this. It’s because no one is really complaining that much,” Flett said.

She believes the state of A Place of Truths Plaza is offensive to the indigenous people.

She also believes the City of Spokane is not doing nearly enough to fix the problems at the plaza.

“I feel kind of ignored… They’re just kind of letting this go. And this is the one that’s dedicated to the indigenous people. And if the City is supposed to be such a good partner with the indigenous people, why are they letting this go like that? It’s crazy,” Flett said.

NonStop Local also reached out to the Spokane Tribe of Indians but did not hear back.


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