Asked and Answered: Will someone with dementia in a long-term care facility be forced to get the vaccine?


SPOKANE, Wash. – There’s been a huge push in the state of Washington to vaccinate the most vulnerable people, including those in long-term care facilities.

We received this question from several people on Facebook: “A relative of mine has dementia and is in a facility, who makes the decision for them to have a shot?”

The answer is simple: Nobody is forced to get a shot, the Washington State Department of Health said.

So, if you have any concern about an elderly person with dementia being forced to get the COVID-19 vaccine, that won’t happen.

However, a person who has dementia and is in a long-term care facility does qualify for the vaccine. According to Washington State, the person’s power of attorney can make the decision for them to get vaccinated. In fact, that power of attorney will be required to sign a written consent form.


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