As winter weather approaches here are a few tips to be prepared


SPOKANE, Wash. – Before you get snowed into your house there are some crucial things that could help you prepare for a cold winter stretch.

A manager at Miller’s Hardware on the South Hill shared some of the things you can do to help keep you and your home safe this winter.

Cold temperatures means that your pipes have the possibility of freezing and bursting. Pipe insulation is crucial to make sure that any exposed or outdoor pipe will not break when temperatures drop.

For people who work outside or like to spend more time outdoors in the winter, handwarmers can be a great way to stay warm.

When walking outside in the snow, shoe chains or grips can be helpful to keep you from falling and provide much needed traction.

The help reduce the risk of a fall or slick sidewalks, make sure you stock up on de-ice. If you have any pets at home, it’s important to make sure all your products will be safe for them to touch or possibly ingest.

With snow on the forecast, it’s important to make sure you have a shovel so you can be prepared for when it comes.


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