Workforce Wednesday – No-Cost Workshops & Assessments

Workforce Wednesday No-Cost Workshops Assessments FOX 28 Spokane

WorkSource Spokane offers a variety of original workshops developed by their team of professional facilitators to aid a customer’s journey at every step of the job-seeking process. From learning to create a résumé, preparing for an interview, or coming back into the workplace after a period away, Career Coaches are immediately available to assist with career development. 

The workshops are offered at no cost and can be attended in person or virtually.

There is also a full series on digital literacy to help improve the basics of operating electronics and software that relate to searching for employment opportunities online and gaining the standard digital skills employers request for their workforce.

Along with workshops, WorkSource Spokane offers a robust collection of assessments to help one identify their skills and interests, and identify potential career pathways. One can even take a job-specific assessment to test the readiness and interest in that occupation. 

To learn more about WorkSource Spokane’s no-cost workshops and assessments visit: or